Friday, September 29, 2006

Another Low Limit Donkfest!

There is money to be made playing Low Limit HE online. You just need to figure out how to do it :-). Most important thing is to be able to shake off the bad beats you will take along the way. It seams the play has gotten worse and worse. I multi-tabled $2-4 Limit holdem last night. I was down around $100 within 30 minutes, do to some horrendous play! Nevermind my pocket Aces getting cracked by Q-9 off for 3 bets. He went to the river with a gutshot heads up and hit it on the river. This hand I will talk about illistrates what you need to get used to playing online. In middle position I am first to come in and bring it in for a raise with K-Q of hearts. Loose calling station after me calls the raise cold, everyone else fold. Flop come 9-4-2 with 2 hearts. I bet out and he calls. Turn comes with an offsuit queen. I now have a 4 flush and queens, king kicker. I bet he calls. River brings a King, which in my mind has to be a good card for me! I bet and he raises. I am sure you know the punch line. He has an offsuit ten jack. I called just to see his cards, I was 90% sure what he had but had to see it. What an all around bad play, but get used to it. In the next hour he proceeded to donk off around $150 of his money. He then states that we are all idoits and that he is going to play some $1-2 No limit. I almost wanted to follow him. I made most of my money back over the next hour and quit a small loser for the night. Patience and a good temper are all you need to beat these games. The play seams to be this bad at all of the sites I play at. Good Luck at the tables. Tony
P.S. - My favorite site to play at is FullTilt. Click on my link at the top of this Blog to check it out. Disclaimer yes I will get a referral commision if you click thru. and join. I need to pay the bills also - LOL.

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