Sunday, October 15, 2006

$22 Deep Stack Limit HE on Stars.

I played in another of these frustrating limit tournaments. Lasted 6 hours came in 39 out of 297! (27 places paid) This isn't a bad beat story, just a big mistake that cost me a chance to finish in the money. I have 20,000 in chips with the blinds at 1500-3000. This is a story of playing too conservatively to try to get into the money. This is bad, can't stress enough I need to learn to play to win not back into the money! I had queens in middle position. The under the gun player raised, which he had be doing all night. He had a ton of chips and was playing ultra aggressive. I just called his raise thinking if an overcard flopped to my queens I could get out cheap. Bad idea, very bad! Everyone folds but the bid blind comes in. Flop comes Q-8-4. Bingo I have a set of queens and don't even want to fool around, I want to win this big pot. Original raiser bets out and I raise. The big blind called and the raiser pops it again. I cap it and the 3 of use see the turn. You know where this story is going. Turn brings a 5 and we cap it again. By the river I am all in when a blank falls that helps no one. The under the gun player had aces, I had 3 queens, bid blind of course caught the gut shot on the turn. I instead of having a healthy stack and being asssured to finish in the money I am knocked out! Who would of thought with that flop and my hand I would lose! Of well you know what I should have done and normally would have in Limit, 3 bet pre-flop! There is no way the big blind would have been in and I would have cracked the aces. Oh well hindsight is 20/20, must learn from my mistakes. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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