Thursday, October 19, 2006

$3-6 LHE at FullTilt.

Now that there is no more PartyPoker I have started playing more at FullTilt. Last night I tried out the $3-6 LHE games there. They were great, seams the fish have swam over from Party to find a new home. The game plays a little differently at Full being the tables are 9 handed. Players seam to play a little more agressive/stupid. I love playing against players that will repeatedly try what I call the "3 barrel bluff" in limit HE. In other words they bluff the flop, turn, and the river with nothing. This play will rarely work. The other player has to have a low busted draw in order for you to win. Many players will call you down with Ace high or bottom pair. Most times you win you will have been, "bluffing with the best hand". Solid tight agressive play will win you the money at $3-6. It's not no limit where good bluffs make you money. Happy fish hunting at FullTilt. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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