Friday, November 17, 2006

Cooler at the Borgata.

Played another great session of $10-20 at the Borgata this past weekend. Haven't written about it yet, been a busy
week. This hand I was involved in was a perfect cooler. Thankfully I was on the winning side of it! The 2 seat, who
is an uber-agressive player brings it in for a raise from EP. I in the 5 seat raise is up with pocket Aces. Everyone
in between folds and she re-raises. I just call her, to not give away my hand. This is effective being I had been 3
betting and caping with hands like A-K and tens all day. The flop came 10-8-3 all spades. Great flop and a bad flop at
the same time. I knew she had JJ, QQ, or KKs. She led out and I raised her. She 3 bet me and I called her. Turn was
an offsuit 5. She bet and I raised her. She shook her head and called. (Sort of like knowing she was beat.) The river
brought the dreaded 2 of spades. There was now 4 spades on the board, I didn't have one. She quickly checked. I
thought of betting but was scared of getting check-raised. I turned over my Aces and she threw her 2 Kings into the
muck faceup. I should have bet the river but I didn't want to boost her confidence if she had a spade. I was holding
over her for the entire session. Acutally had her on full tilt for the next 30 minutes. It's good to be on the winning
end of a cooler. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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