Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving weekend at the Borgata.

Played some $10-20 LHE at the Borgata this weekend. Put in my first losing weekend in awhile. Didn't mind being I was
due for a loss. Also my wife won more then enough to cover my loses. Played for around 15 hours and lost 20BB, so it
wasn't that bad. I had a good read on most of the table but didn't get cards the whole time we played. Never had Aces
or Kings. Had Queens once but they ran into Aces on a 10 high board. I knew I was beat but paid him off anyway. It's
so hard to fold an overpair in limit! One interesting crazy hand took place that I would like to discuss. A player in
MP brought it in for a raise, He was a very odd tricky player. He had no raising standards at all. He could have
anything. A new player in betwwen us called the raise cold.(When I say new I mean this was only her 2nd time playing
HE, she told us she was a stud player for 40 years.) I had 2-4c in the BB and decided to defend with it. Flop came
down Q-J-3 rainbow. We all checked the flop. At this point I put him on A-K or A-Rag. Turn brought a 2. I checked,
new player checked and he led out. I check raised to get the hand heads up. She thought for around 5 minutes and
finally mucked.(Knew she had the best hand at this point.) He called my raise pretty quickly. I still put him on A-K,
but wasn't sure. River brought a blank and I checked thinking he would bet his A-K. I was expecting to call and
showdown a winner, a pair of 2s! He checked behind me and showed down a pair of 3s for the winner. I knew he was weak
but never put him on 3-5 of spades. Should I have bet the river? Later on my wife and I discussed it for a long time.
The whole table talked about this hand for like 15 minutes. Maybe I should have bet out on the end. He may have called
anyway but I doubt it. Problem is he called my check raise on the turn pretty quickly so I thought a bet on the end was
a negative EV play.(Thinking he would only call if he had me beat.) Thinking back now I know I should have bet the
river. What happened is that the turn put 2 spades on the board. That is why he called my check raise. If I lead out
on the river he may have folded. By the way the player in between us was really mad about this hand being she folded a
pair of 10s. Hope you enjoyed reading about this hand. I will put up more posts about the Borgata game this week. By
the way IMHO the Borgata has the best poker room on the east coast! Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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