Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Great Read.

I made a great play in a $3-6 LHE on Fulltilt the other night. There are not many "Great" plays to be made at limit but
this one felt awesome. I was in the small blind with A-9o. An agressive player brought it in for a raise in the cutoff
seat. The raise just felt like a blind steal. This particular player was always coming in for a raise when first in. A
play that I like a lot on a relatively tight table, like the one we were playing on. Flop came down J-9-2 offsuit. I
checked and he of course bet. I called and a King fell on the turn. I checked again and he insta-bet. This to me really
felt like a steal. I called and the river came with a queen. Not a good card for me. There was now 3 overcards on the
board and a ten made a straight. I checked and he bet again. Could he be bluffing a third time? I called and won the
pot with my pair of nines. He proceeded to complain in the chat box, "How can you call me there?". I didn't say anything
to him back. I looked at the hand history and he had A-4 of diamonds! I believe I played this hand perfectly. If I bet
or raised at anytime in this hand he would have folded. Plus if I was beat I would have lost more money. I have wrote
about this before, the 3 barrel bluff in limit holdem rarely works. I hope I get to play with this same person again
tonight. I will look for him for sure. May play some $10-20 at Foxwoods this weekend. Look for a report about it on
Sunday. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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