Monday, January 08, 2007

Online MTT.

Played a few low limit MTTs this weekend. Had good results but didn't make much money in the process. Played a $4.40
LHE on Stars Saturday night. I have been dying to get some practice in large field LHE Tourns. My wife and I will both
probably play the $550 LHE Tourn at the Borgata in 2 weeks. I did well in this one, finishing in 50 out of 540 players.
(Only won $12 but was playing for the practice.) I played one hand very well to lose the minimum. Under the gun I
raised with 2 Aces. Got 2 callers on a flop of K-10-2.(1 mp and one on the button.) I bet the flop and the MP folded.
Turn brought an offsuit 3. I bet and the button called right away. I knew he was on a draw at this point. I also only
had around 3 BB left. We were very close to the bubble so I didn't want to get busted on this hand. River brought an
Ace which looked like gin for my hand. I checked and he insta-bet. Normally I would raise here being acquiring chips is
more important than squeaking into the money. I called just in case he had A-K for 2 pairs. Of course he had Q-J
for the nuts on the river. If he had shown any agression during the hand I would have been broke on the river. Because
he called me so fast I just read him for the straight on the river. I like the way I played the hand. Feel I lost the
minimum. I would up making the money and having a good chance to finish deep. I had a set run into a flush on the river
to end my chances. If I keep playing well feel I will make a big score again soon in a MTT. That's it for today. Good
Luck at the tables. Tony

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