Sunday, February 25, 2007

What a hand!

Played some $10-20 at the Borgata this weekend. Another great game, as usual. My wife and I both made a nice score for the day. I made 25 big bets in 3 hours. Not a bad days work. The hand I want to talk about took place toward the end of our sessions. I had K-Qo in middle position and brought it in for a raise. Got called by a loose terrible player on the button and the Big Blind. Flop comes gin for me J-10-9 with 2 diamonds. I bet out and they both call. This is where the hand gets real interesting. turn brings an offsuit 5. I bet and the button raises. The bid blind insta-calls. I 3 bet and the button caps it! I am thinking I am in trouble, at this point. Figured the button had a K-Q also, maybe both are diamonds! Which means he is free-rolling for half the pot. Also the big blind could have diamonds or 2 pairs. The river is a beautifal offsuit 2. I bet out and they both call. Button had 7-8 for lower end of the straight, bid blind had top 2 pair. Don't know why he didn't raise the flop to see where is was at? How could 7-8 be good here? I pulled down a very nice pot. This hand illistrates how weak the players are at the Borgata on weekends. I highly recommend playing there. We will go back soon! Good luck at the tables. Tony

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