Sunday, March 18, 2007

Borgata Trip Report.

Wish I had good things to report about the trip but I don't. I won't bore you with bad beats stories. There were far too many to tell about anyway. Played way too long chasing to get my money back. Holdem is a cruel game sometimes. How about flopping 20 nut flushes draws in one day. Only hitting one of them! Many of them also had gut shot draws or a pair to go along with it. Haven't had such a brutal day playing in over 2 years. I have been on a great run for a few weeks now, so knew it wouldn't last forever. They say that all great things must come to an end. Oh well sorry for such a downer of a post today. Didn't get enough sleep last night also. I will get them next time. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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