Monday, April 16, 2007

Taj Cash Game.

Played $10-20 live at the Taj this weekend. Crushed the game, made $500 in 2 hours of play. Sick thing is I sat down for 15 minutes, before my tournament started, and won $385! The play at the Taj is getting worse and worse every time I go there. One hand was really great for me, as you shall see. I get dealt A-K of spades in late position. 3 people limp and I raise it up. Big blind 3 bets the pot. 2 limpers fold and we take a flop 3 handed. Before I reveal the flop, let me tell you I almost jumped out of my seat. Q-J-10 with the J and 10 being spades!!! I would say a good flop for me! It gets better. Someone leads out before me. I raise and the person in between us smooth calls. The original raise 3 bets it, I cap! Turn brings a 7 of spades, actually a bad card for me being I already had the nuts. I still have the nuts but my action is dead. I bet and they both call. River is a blank. I bet and they both call. First player flopped 3 jacks, other player mucked without showing. What a monster pot that was! Love playing with the donks at the Taj. Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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