Friday, May 11, 2007

Fulltilt No Limt

No limit can be such a cruel game sometimes. I had a few minutes to kill last night and decided to play a little .25-.50 on Fulltilt. I quickly lost 2 buy ins and went on temporary tilt. Which cost me another buy in and a half. I know I played poorly but couldn’t help myself. I raised the pot in late position with A-Q and took a flop heads up in position against the small blind. The flop came J-J-J what are the chances my opponent had a jack, slim. He checked and I bet ½ the pot. He insta-called which should have alerted me he wasn’t going anywhere. The turn was the seven of diamonds. He checked and I bet ¾ of the pot. Please fold I have something. He insta-called again. The river came with the 2 of spades. He checks, I like a donkey go all in. He insta-calls and has a pair of 8s, first buy in gone. This hand for some reason bothered me big time. So a few hands later, against the same player I raise with 10-J suited and flop a gut shot with 2 overs. I proceed to bet every street and again go all in on the river. I was bluffing and the donkey called me with K-7o to river a seven to make 2 pairs. I lose another buy in and was really on tilt. I should have left the table but I keep playing. If it’s any consolation he later goes all in for $74 on a flop of 4-6-9 with his pocket Jacks and loses to pocket Aces. He get busted and ships my money to someone else. I leave the table down 3 and ½ buy ins in 15 minutes. The story has a happy ending. I move to another table and get dealt pocket aces. We get it all in on the flop and he calls me with pocket 8s. My aces hold up and I quickly double up. I play for 10 more minutes and get all of my money back minus 1 buy in. Being I was on my way out this was a positive way to end my session. The play at these levels on Fulltilt is so soft. Just need to not be my own worst enemy! Good luck at the tables. Tony

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