Friday, June 29, 2007

More short-handed play.

Played more short-handed $3-6 last night on Stars. What a disaster of a session! I was down 20 BB right away. Ran Aces into Q-10 off suit, bet and raise all the way till the river. He flopped one queen and rivered a second one, this is after I three bet another player in the hand pre-flop. He was in between and decided to chase. After an hour of play I managed to get back to exactly even. Was about to quit when I decided to play in the $15,000 guarantee at seven for $11. So I decided to play some $3-6 at the same time. I joined the table from hell. No one would fold to my pre-flop raises. They would chase any piece of the flop or draw to the end. Of course I got sucked out on repeatedly. When I finally decided I had enough I was down $350! That sucked big time. Played a little No limit after that and won two buyins.($40) Also went deep in the tournament finished 115th for a big $24 prize. I sucked out one big hand when we first got into the money. I pushed in my $20,000 stack after 2 limpers with the blinds at 500-1000 with a 100 ante. The one seat insta-called me. It was the first time I pushed the entire tournament I had Kings, he of course had Aces. The story has a happy ending I sucked out on the flop when it came K-3-4. Three Kings held up and I had a nice stack. I was happy with my play in this donkament. Would have liked to get further but my nines couldn’t fade someone’s A-Q. I pushed and they called for 70% of their chips. Oh well winning these things is like walking through a mine field carrying two hundred pounds on your back, naked in 120 degree whether. If you can overcome that then maybe you can win one of these donkaments J. BTW there were 2249 entries making first over $4700! Good luck at the tables. Tony

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