Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Short-handed LHE.

Played some more short-handed limit HE on Stars last night. It appears I have figured out what I was doing wrong, over the weekend. Made back half of what I lost in less then one hour! Also I exercised great table selection. Looked for some of the fish that took my money on Sunday. I got hit by around five two outers on the river, when I was way ahead each time, on Sunday. Case in point I had Q-K suited on the turn when the board was 2-Q-3-Q. River came with a Jack. He bet into me, Q-J was flashing in my head. Problem is he three bet pre-flop so I didn’t think he was that bad. Against my better judgment I raised and he three bet. I made the crying call, he had pocket jacks that got there on the river. It was very hard to put him on that hand being he raised me on the flop. Oh well it won’t be the last two outer to beat me on the river. Yesterday I was like Teflon coated. Was able to fade the bad beats every hand. Think I won almost every showdown in an hour. Then I switched over to .25-.50 No Limit and lost two buy ins in 5 minutes. I recovered quickly from this. After twenty minutes I was up one buy in and felt I couldn’t do any wrong. Poker is so sweet when things work out! It was a very good night, to say the least. Another great thing is I did fifteen miles on my stationary bike, while I was two tabling and reading emails. I multitask so well J. Can’t wait to get back on tonight. Expect a good post about it tomorrow. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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