Monday, July 16, 2007

Deep Stack Tournament.

Went Deep in the 12:00 $11 Deep Stack No Limit tournament on PokerStars yesterday. What a great structure this one has. Start with 5000 chips and have 30 minute levels. Antes don’t kick in until like three hours into it! The good news is I went deep, bad news is I only cashed for $29.40! Also played this for eight hours only to get coolered at a terrible time. Let me warn you if you intend to play in this set aside ten hours if you plan on winning it. I got knocked out in 46th place(1176 entries), on a money jump bubble.(We were going hand for hand at this time.) One of the things Stars does right is they go hand for hand at every money increase. This makes it fair so that these idiots can’t stall into the money jump. If I won my last hand I would have had 103,000 chips and been able to go really deep. The blinds were 1500-3000 with a 150 ante I believe. I had 50,000 chips in the big blind with K-Qo. Not a premium hand but in this situation a monster. The cutoff, who had been attacking my blind for hours brought it in for a raise of 4 times the Bid Blind. I called his raise to see a flop.(My first mistake, should have re-raised him big and taken down the pot.) Flop came K-8-3 rainbow. A great flop for me, I gave him some rope to hang himself with by checking. He bet the pot, I just called.(Another big mistake, should have pushed or at least raised him.) An eight came on the turn, I checked and he checked behind. Hmm what does he have. River came with another eight. I led our for half the pot and he quickly came over the top of me for all my chips. At this point I was down to 19,000 chips. I had a full house, could I lay this down? Really thought I had the best hand. I called and he of course had the monster hand of Q-8 off for quads! After eight hours spent fighting I was out in 46th. To add insult to injury I burst the pay jump so everyone else made $10 more. I also played in an $11 Hi/Lo Stud tournament at 12:00. As I wrote in my last post took down 4th for $72 is this one. I played in four tournaments yesterday and cashed in three. Not a bad ITM% at all! As bad as I have been running lately felt good about my day. Just wish I didn’t get coolered in that hand! Of well will get them next time. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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