Monday, July 30, 2007

Home Game Post#2

I remembered some sick hands from last night’s game and decided to do a second post today. Aren’t you all so lucky? :- ) My brother, who was very loud and excited last night, being he had some good news on the investing front, pushed all in with pocket tens. My cousin Anthony, who has the same first and last name as me, insta-calls with pocket Aces. Damn was he running good last night, except for this hand. My other cousin folded A-Qo to my brother’s all in push.(Great fold btw.) Of course you know how this hand goes. Flop comes 10-10-2 and we all start yelling and getting excited. Bad beat central should have been last night’s theme. Another crazy hand took place between Carlo and Tony. Tony limps in late position with pocket Aces, I have no idea why. He and Carlo see a flop of 10-2-4 off. Carlo pushes all in, very early in the SNG, the first round. Tony insta-calls with pocket aces and the taunting starts. Carlo acts like the hand is over and that Tony’s slow play will be punished.(Doesn’t he know there is no justice in Poker : - ).) The turn comes with a nine as well as the river! Carlo is knocked out early and gets abused by everyone else who is still in it. This is a fun but tough place to play SNGs! I don’t like either of their plays in this hand. I hate the late limp with Aces being you give your opponents a chance to out flop you. Which in this case clearly happened. Then I hate the insta-push for like 5000chips we started with from bottom two pair. A bet of the pot size, at this level of 25-50, was clearly called for. More then enough to protect your hand. There is no need to go broke in the first level with bottom two. Oh well there is always next time. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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