Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Short Losing Session.

Played a very short session last night of No Limit on FullTilt. Intended on making a little score and then go out.(Like the Hit-N-Run sessions that Dr. Pauly used to write about.) Well the only one getting ran over was me. I couldn’t do anything right. I felt lucky to only lose two buyins in the 30 minutes I played. Actually I was down almost three but I made a little comeback. Sick thing is I had Aces twice and misplayed them both times. Won micro-sized pots with them both times. Tried to get to fancy with traps both times. Second time I had them I flopped an Ace with 5 callers pre-flop. I had limped under the gun with them. No one raised and the flop came A-K-7. I checked and everyone checked behind. On the turn a 6 came and put two hearts on the board. So I bet half the pot and everyone folded! What a waste of three aces. There are all kinds of bad luck in poker. Getting a monster and no one having anything is one of them. A few hands later I pushed on the flop with a gut shot, four flush, and what turned out to be two live overcards. A short stack who had 5-6 off had flopped a 6 and called my push. I missing my 18 outs twice and he took half my stack! It was one of those nights. I will get them tonight, I hope. Will be playing on Stars tonight after 5:30pm Eastern. If anyone is on at that time look for me and give me a shout in the chat. (Aviganola is my screen name.) Good Luck at the tables. Tony

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