Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Online Donkaments

Last night I tried to start my tournaments/SNGs fresh. In other words forget about all the bad beats I had taken lately. Act as if it was a new day and nothing would bother me. Played in a token 2 two table SNG on Full Tilt. In the first orbit I get pocket sixes. Flop comes 10-10-6, gin for me! Four people saw the flop so I check and some donkey that was already down to 700 chips pushes. It folds to me and I obviously call. He has J-8 of hearts, no hand or draw. I think I am starting the night off right. Nope, ten on the turn and Jack on the river and he doubles through me! I get knocked out of this one a few minutes later. Ok I will start another one up fresh, nothing will bother me tonight. I chip up nicely and we are down to 11 from the original 18 players. I get dealt pocket Kings, after 5 people limp I make a big raise of half my stack. Get one caller and we see a flop of J-2-4 with two spades. He checks and I push for around 75% of his stack. He insta-calls me, with what you ask? He had the Ace of spades and the ten of hearts. No hand and no draw again. Of course an Ace on the river and I am knocked out of my second one of the day. It’s almost like these donks know what is coming. The play on Full Tilt’s low limit tournaments is getting worse and worse. I was really getting frustrated last night but I decided to play a MTT on Ultimate anyway. This was a Bounty No Limit tournament with 417 players.(Low limit buy in of $6.50.) I finally broke the bad streak by taking 27th in this one, also got three bounties. So I wound up breaking close to even in tournaments for the night. Oh well I will break through this funk one of these days. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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