Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Right Play, Wrong Result.

This is a Foxwoods hand post that I promised to make this week. The hand in question is an example of the right play, with the wrong results. I had just started playing at a $10-20 LHE table, went through one orbit. The under the gun player brought it in for a raise. I am second to act with pocket queens. I re-raise and a young aggressive player after me caps it. Everyone else folds and the three of us see a flop. The flop is all rags 8-7-3 with two clubs. The under the gun player checks. I lead out and the next player raises me. Under the gun player check-raises making it three bets. I went into the tank. I put the player after me on Kings and the under the gun player on Aces. This is a clear fold in my eyes, which I did. If the under the gun player hadn’t check raised I would have called to see at least one more card. Knew the flop missed both players but they were both aggressive pre-flop. Of course a Queen peals off on the turn. Under the gun bets and other player calls. A blank falls on the river and the under the gun player bets and other player calls. Under the gun shows two Jacks and other player wins with pocket Kings. I would have won a huge pot. I feel I made the right move on the flop. I bet out, to find out where I was at, and the actions of the other players told me I was behind. I made the right move but got the wrong results. The under the gun player misplayed this hand big time. There is almost no way Jacks are ahead in this spot. Especially when the raisers were all early position, in this hand the first three places to act. I play to make the right decisions not to win this particular pot. Yes it sucks I would have won but in the long run I will win my fair share of pots. Hope you enjoyed this hand from Foxwoods. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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