Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Sit-N-Go

I broke the SNG bad streak that started yesterday morning. I took second in the last one I played in for the night. I should have won it, had a 11,000 to 2,500 chip lead at one time heads up. I blew it big time. He decided to go uber-aggressive on me, pushed all in like 6 hands in a row. I should have looked him up but decided to wait him out. Bad move being a few hands later we both flopped an Ace but his kicker was a little higher A-Q to A-K. After this hand he owned me the rest of the way. Oh well I went 1 for 5 in the money yesterday. Also won 10 BBs playing limit HE, so the day play wasn’t all bad. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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