Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Brutal Limit HE Game.

I almost forgot how brutal Low Limit HE can be. Things have been going fine for me this week, until last night. Played 2 hours of $1-2 Limit HE and lost 80 BBs. It was just sick, Aces losing to 5-4 off. Flopping top two pair and losing to runner, runner straights. Nothing held up at all for me all night long. One hand was just totally sick. I had 7-8 suited in the Big Blind. See a flop heads up against a player that, didn’t have a clue. He played so bad is wasn’t funny! Flop come A-7-2. I bet out to see if my seven is good, he just calls. So I think/know I am ahead. Turn brings a two, bet out again and he calls. River brings a nine, which looks like a safe card for me. For some reason I am cautious and check to him. He fires out a bet, which I call. Turns over 9-10 off and wins the pot! This is the way I was running last night. People chasing me down with no draw, other then 2 under cards to the board. Getting there and beating me in a pot they never should have been in. This is not a bad beat post, just me venting about how frustrating limit can be. On the live Poker front we plan to go to the Borgata this weekend. Will try to win a seat in the WPT main event, took some time off from work. Wish me luck. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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