Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Poker's nice, I like to play Poker."

Those are the words of Chiau Giang, probably said after he won a big pot! As seen on ESPN during the 2005 WSOP Pot Limit Event.(It may be 2004 but you get the point.) I played one SNG last night and took first place. I decided to move back up to $22 ones, even thought my bankroll isn’t quite there yet. Coasted through this one without much trouble. Just love poker when everything is going right. When we were down to four players I got dealt Aces in the big blind. The short stack, on the button pushed right into me. I insta-called to be shown K-8 off. He flopped a King but my hand held up for a change. It’s funny when I am running bad I will lose this hand often. When I am running good, like now things like this happen over and over again. I am actually winning my 80-20 hands all in pre-flop! What a luxury that is. I am now playing fearless poker thinking I am going to win everyday. This sometimes is bad being playing too confident has always killed me in the past. As for the Limit HE grind I lost a few BBs last night. No big deal was just trying to grind out some points on Full Tilt. I need the points to qualify for the Aussie Millions Free roll and to maintain my Iron Man status. Also Rake back is always nice to get at the beginning of every month. Would love to make an AC trip this weekend but it doesn’t look good. Have a wedding to go to on Sunday and some other things to do on Saturday. Maybe we can do a hit n run on Friday night. Watch out $10-20 players I am running goot! Good luck at the tables. Tony

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