Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I came home tonight all excited to crush the $2-4 game on Full Tilt. I post and get dealt pocket Kings my first hand! Flop comes a perfect K-9-6 with 2 clubs. I bet and get raised. The two of us go to the turn after a capped flop. The board pairs the six on the turn. Again we cap it and go to the river. An offsuit 2 falls on the river and he bets right into me. I just know I am beat here. I only call behind on the river. He shows me four sixes! I got coolered by a one outer on my first hand. I am just so good. Anyone else would have capped the river with the top full house. I just figured it was 50% that I was beat. He either had pocket sixes or pocket nines. Thing is he limped in and called my raise pre-flop. This pushed me toward pocket sixes. Other thing is I know my opponeat is very agressive and probably would have 3 bet me with pocket nines. Oh well just another cooler, not my first or last one. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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