Friday, October 12, 2007

Live Sit-N-Go

I finally broke through the glass ceiling! I chopped first place in a SNG at my cousin’s house. Have been having fun playing SNGs with my cousins and brothers. Problem is I kept running into coolers or getting draw out on. Also got hit with too many bubbles over there. Last night’s first SNG was more of the same. My brother, who has been holding over me, tricked me into pushing all my chips in heads up. I had A-J and he had pocket tens. Flop came J-10-4, he checked and I bet 1000, he called. On the turn he checked and I bet 1000 again, he raised me to 3000. If I called was pretty much pot committed anyway, so I pushed and he insta-called. I hate pushing on the turn and drawing dead! He felted me once again. The second SNG went much better for me. We got down to 3 handed with 2 places being paid. I was second in chips for most of time. I finally got a good read on how my cousin Anthony plays. I raised 3 times the big blind with pocket jacks. Flop came K-J-K, gin for me! I looked over at him and just sensed he was going to push. So I checked and he insta-pushed, which I insta-called of course. He had J-10 and was drawing dead. The turn and river brought Ace, Ace so if he had one it would have been a real sick beat for me. He has been holding over me for months also. Last time we played I flopped a straight and he chased to the river to catch a flush draw. Another time I pushed with top pair and he called off 50% of his chips with middle pair and got there. Well I finally beat him and took one down. We are going to try to play every few weeks so it will give me some more live posting material. Borgata tonight, wish me luck! Good luck at the tables. Tony

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    > I raised 3 times the big blind with
    > pocket jacks. Flop came K-J-K, gin
    > for me! [...] He had J-10 and was
    > drawing dead.

    He's not drawing dead on that board; if a K comes down, you guys chop.

    Nice hand, though!
