Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Over Confidence is bad for Poker Players.

Things have been going so well for me in Poker lately. Whenever this happens I got over confident and cocky. Usually I hit the wall big time. Last night I hit that wall but it wasn’t that bad. I managed to make a big comeback and only lose 29 BBs in two hours of play. Played very sloppy at first, making re-raise moves on the turn with air. In limit this is a recipe for disaster. Only works if your opponent has air also. What would happen is a pre flop raiser would continue bet on a flop of K-2-4. I would call/float the flop with nothing. The turn would bring a 2 or 5 and I would check. He would bet and I would check raise. This move works if he has say A-Q or A-J. Problem is they almost always had K-Q or A-K against me last night. I made this same move repeatedly during the $2500 HORSE event against Doyle Brunson. It worked over and over again for me. Difference is this works in a tournament when people care about their chips. Last night in a few hands I had people calling me down with A high after I check raised the turn. Nothing went right for me last night. So I decided to just play ABC poker for the rest of the night. At my low point I was down 50 BBs. So I almost made half of it back from just playing like a nit. Oh well at low limit doing fancy things only seam to hurt you. I will be at it again tonight. Good luck at the tables. Tony

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