Monday, December 31, 2007

FullTilt Sunday Brawl Results

These days I am starting to feel like the designated bubble boy. I played for four hours in yesterday’s Sunday Brawl on FullTilt. They had 1310 players with 126 spots played. I finished a few spots out of the money. The tournament only cost me $7.60 to enter being I won my way into a $55 Super Satellite, then into the $256 buy in Sunday Brawl.(Not totally true also spent $26 on another satellite into it earlier in the day.) Also had three chances to win a $40 Knockout Bounty but lost all three pots. I was ahead pre-flop in two of them and the third one I flopped four hearts with two overs but couldn’t suck out. One hand early in this tournament really put me behind and in danger. It was early, think 2nd level with blinds of 15-30. I got dealt pocket Kings and brought it on for the pot. Only the big blind called and the flop came 5-6-7 with two spades. This is a really bad flop for pocket Kings. So many hands can crush me here, 6-7, 8-9, and even 7-8 is a flip. The big blind made a huge over bet all in for 1500T chips. This was half my stack and I went into the tank. In a normal, non-bounty tournament I can fold this hand easily and continue on with my 2900T. I hate risking so many chips early with only one pair. Of course there were some reasons why I knew I was ahead and should call. First thing is he saw the flop and insta-pushed. Why would he push so fast if he had a made straight. Next thing is I hate to stereotype but his country of origin was Norway, players from this region tend to play pretty wild with draws. Also it was early in the tournament and he was already down to 1500T. Another factor was he had played the last four hands straight. Last but not least if my hand held up I would get the $40 bounty for knocking him out. Add all this up and it made a call the right move for me. So I called and he showed me the mighty 6-9 off? Of course and eight peals off on the turn and bad play is rewarded in poker as usual. This game can be so unfair at times. This hand put me on tilt for a few minutes so I took a five-minute break to shake it off. I came back and played really well, within an hour and I was back over my 3000 starting chips. Later in the tournament I was up to 10,000T but I was never able to bust anyone to win a bounty. My last hand came when my M was down to 1.5 with 3500T chips.(I was a push monkey for the last hour being my M was never over 4.) I got dealt pocket twos and open pushed, only the big blind called me with his A-10 off. He was priced in and my bounty was up for grabs so he made the right call win of loss. Of course he flops an Ace and I am knocked out close to the bubble. If I win that hand I have enough to squeak into the money with the lowest pay out being $336. One of these days I will make a big score in an MTT. Just hope, for my sanity, that it’s soon. Good luck at the tables and happy new year. Tony


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

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  2. Anonymous3:34 PM

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