Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Online No Limit HE

Wow No Limit Online can be really profitable. I made two buyins at .25-.50 and six buyins at .10-.25 last night in less then two hours. Thinking about giving playing Limit HE Online for good. The money wasn’t won from my brilliant play either. Players on FullTilt were just so bad last night. Played a little on CakePoker but it was super tight so I left. Won one of my buyins on Cake but it wasn’t as easy as FullTilt. I can’t believe how light people were calling my all in pushes last night. Also was shocked at how light they call pot sized opens. One hand I had pocket Aces in early position. I brought it in for the pot, my standard bring in(I am lazy just click the pot button to bring it.). Got called by two donks. Flop was K-4-9 with two diamonds. I was playing on a short buyin so I just pushed on the flop. Both donks insta-called me like they both had the nuts. What was I against you ask? First donk has 3-7 of diamonds for a flush draw. (Why did he call my pre-flop raise?) Second donk, who overcalled my push had K-10 off, for top pair weak kicker. Then a miracle happened my hand held up against both of them! That was the weird thing about last night, my good hands held up over and over again. Also I was in the zone with making the right lay downs. In one hand I had K-Q and had turned top two pair. On the river he pushed, had me covered. The only hand I had to worry about was A-J, for a turned broadway. I put him on it and folded. Donk behind me looked him up and that is exactly what he had broadway. The donk had bottom two pair. With the way the hand played out there was no way they were good. Didn’t play perfect poker but felt I played great last night. Will be at it again tonight but not for too long, have another Christmas party to go to. I am so worn out from going out in the last week. Can’t wait for this season to be over so I can relax. Good luck at the tables and happy holidays. Tony

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