Friday, January 25, 2008

Bubble Boy

This week I feel like the designated bubble boy. I played in a $26 Limit HE satellite for FullTilt’s Limit FTOPS event three times this week. I finished on the money bubble exactly all three times! Last night we had nineteen players with four spots being paid and I finished in 5th. This is the hand that killed me when I was a medium stack. Under the gun plus one raised it up and I called from the small blind with pocket tens. I figured out how to play this hand to the river and still have some chips left. I decided right away to check and call to the river. Flop comes 4-8-9 rainbow, think my tens may be good here. He bets and I call, in a live game I would have three bet pre-flop or check raised on the flop to find out where I am at. This was a special situation being I didn’t want to bubble again. Turn brings a five and I check, he bets and I call. River brings a nine, which should slow him down but he bets anyway. I call and he has pocket jacks to my pocket tens, another cooler for me. Three hands later, while a short stack, I run A-10 suited into A-J off and IGH as the bubble boy once again! Tournaments are just so brutal. I should just pay the $216 for the Limit FTOPS event I want to play in. Problem is now I am stuck $72 in satellites already. On the Short-handed HE front I had a huge swing last night. Started off playing badly after taking some bad beats early in my session. I was down 40BBs in less then an hour. Was really getting frustrated so took a break for a few minutes to clear my head. Came back and put my IPOD on and starting multi-tabling three at a time. The music really seams to help keep me calm. In less then an hour I won 38BBs to end the night down only 2. Think I plugged up some leaks I have developed, will test the theory tonight. Will post about how things went tomorrow. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S.- Thanks to all my readers who have clicked through on my Google adsense banner above, please keep it up!

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