Monday, January 28, 2008

Elks Club Tournament

I never put up a post about the Elks Club Tournament we went to the other night. That’s because it’s just so frustrating to be the only player at the table who knows how to play and yet still lose. My table was total amateur night. In one hand four donks saw a flop for a raise. The under the gun player bet the minimum and three of them went to the turn. They checked the turn and river on a board of J-3-J-7-K with no flush possible. What do you think won this hand, hmm…. Of course pocket twos took down this pot that was almost 6000T at 400-800 with no ante. The other two players both had Ace rag. Why no one took a stab at the pot on the river I’ll never know. Why pocket twos was even in the hand is a mystery also. A few hands before this I lost half my stack with a flopped set of tens. A total donkey, who was catching every flop, won the hand with J-9 off suit. He turned a gutshot and by the river the board had a four straight so I just called his river bet. I won one big hand, when all in, flopped a set of Kings that held up against two donks who both had Ace rag. My final bust out hand sucked also. I went all in, very short with K-8 suited. Turns out my hand wasn’t too bad being I was against two people both with Ace rag. One had A-4 suited and the other A-6 off. I flopped a King and was hoping to triple up. The A-4 turned a flush to send me home. My cousin(ShipThis) didn’t fair any better, he got knocked out right before me. We got fairly deep, down to around 40 players out of 93. Carlo bubbled the final table. I don’t know the details but when we left he had a ton of chips. At least the food was awesome; Carlo brought it from his Deli. BTW - Go Giants, would love to see a big upset in the Super bowl. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Keep clicking through on my Google Adsense banner, thanks so much.

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