Friday, February 29, 2008

Dave's Home Game

At my suggestion we added bounties to our home game last night, at my brother’s game. I thought it would loosen up, an already wild loose game but it had the opposite effect. Everyone tightened up being they didn’t want to get teased about losing their bounty! It had a real fun effect on the game being we made whoever busted out sign over their bounty to the person who busted them!(Sign a ten dollar bill.) When someone became short the sharks would smell the blood in the water. Overall, as usual, the game was a lot of fun. It’s a good diversion from everyday’s grind of life. I did well in the first tournament but ran into a cooler, when I had the second biggest stack. I had 5-8 of spades in the big blind and got to see a free flop. I flopped a spade flush draw and bet it. On the turn I hit a five so I had a pair and a flush draw on a board that was straight draw heavy. In hindsight I know I should have pushed on the turn, even against my brother John, the big stack. Instead I bet half the pot and he called. The river brought what I thought was yatzee a low spade which appeared to make a straight also. So I bet half the pot and my brother came over the top for all my chips. I had to call being 75% of my chips were in the pot. I announce I have a flush but knew it wasn’t any good. He has the K-2 of spades in his hand and knocks me out in 5th, with 3 places being paid. Oh well another hand another cooler. Sick thing is against anyone else I could possibly lay it down on the river but against him I have to call being he was playing so wild. (Actually I may have checked behind on the river against anyone else.) When they got four handed he had like 80% of the chips in play. Of course he went on to win it. I had a good time and hopefully we will play on a more regular basis. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Just a reminder to keep clicking through on my Google Adsense banner, above this post. It helps keep the lights on here : - ).

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