Thursday, February 07, 2008

On Major Life-Tilt

Is anyone out there? Feeling kind of Blah today. Wife is overseas, with a family emergency. Her brother-in-law is gravely ill and in the hospital. He is only 42 and almost didn’t survive an emergency operation. I am starting to feel my age, 40. Seems people I know or are associated with are all starting to have health problems. Oh well getting older sucks. On to a lighter subject, short-handed HE is a real rollercoaster. Last night I was down 40BBs in the first 30 minutes. I don’t know maybe life-tilt is causing me to start off playing badly in my sessions. Then after I get settled in I start playing well again. I took a break and got back to it 15 minutes later. I won all 40BBs back and then some. Finished the night with a small win of 10BBs. As for the MTT front things aren’t getting any better. I am running real bad in any MTTs I play. Played a Hi/Lo Stud one on RiverStars and man the rivers were bad! Played a No Limit Bounty on Ultimatebet and didn’t get any bounties but someone bad beated me to get mine. I need some life encouragement. Someone please post a comment, to cheer me up today. At least then I will know that someone is out there reading. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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