Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Short Session

Didn’t have much time to play online last night. Played 2 Sit-N-Gos, won one and bubbled in the other one. The one I won was a step 2, had no business winning it. When we were five handed I was super short, with one person having all the chips. Lucky for me the other players at the table decided to go to war with the chip leader. I just squeaked into winning a Step ticket. The turbo I played in didn’t go very well. When down to 4 handed, was very low, so I made a move from the button. I pushed 10-5 sooted into K-5 sooted. My move was right, he should have folded. Why call off one third of your stack with that cheesy hand? He was comfortably in second chip position. This is one of my problems in tournaments the players don’t always think the way I would. Oh well he knocked me out and I bubbled, won’t be the last time I bubble. Did ok playing live on River Stars. Played some short-handed Limit HE. I won around 6BBs in less than 20 minutes. It was a quick hit-n-run session. I was tired; we went out to dinner at my in-laws house. This weekend I may be playing in one of those Donk-a-rama tournaments at the Elks lodge. These are so soft, yet so filled with mines. The players are as good as ones you find playing in a $5.50 MTT online. A typical hand would be me pushing with pocket Jacks and getting knocked out against A-9o. It may sound sick but I have gotten knocked out of there 3 times in a row with pocket Jacks. As a 2.5-1 favorite every time. Maybe I should just muck my Jacks from now on there! Next time will try a stop-n-go with them. Also will probably be playing the Sunday Brawl this weekend on Full. That’s it for today. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony


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