Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sit-N-Go BS

I am running so bad in Sit-n-Gos lately. Went 0-4 cashes in turbos last night on Stars. One loss really stung bad last night. Not because it was better than a 60-40 favorite for me pre-flop either. I have been losing 2.5-1 and 4.5-1 pre-flop favorites all week. Let me step back and tell you the hand that knocked me out of my last turbo last night. We were 4 handed on the bubble, was the short stack but not by much, still my M was 4. Had been playing pretty tight all SNG, only showing down real hands. On the button I open-push with Q-9 of diamonds, not a great hand but I need the blinds and antes. The small blind goes over the top, didn’t have much more than me. While the big blind is in the tank I keep thinking, just let me have 2 live cards. Finally he folds and the cards are exposed. What do you think my opponent had, Aces? Nope f****n 2-4 off? Flop comes 9-2-3 rainbow. You know where this is going right? River Stars rewards the idiot with a 2 on the river to knock me out as bubble boy once again. He immediately started apologizing saying he mis-clicked. I believe it being he insta came over the top and I had 90% of his chip stack. So this idiot can’t keep his windows straight and River Stars makes me pay for his stupidity. What a brutal way to get knocked out! I hate SNGs sometimes. This hand put me on tilt so I took a 15 minute timeout after it. On the bright side I came back and played a WSOP Step 1 and took it down. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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