Friday, May 23, 2008

Bad Night Playing Short-Handed Limit HE

Last night I did fine playing in Sit-N-Gos on River Stars. Played in 4 and cashed in 2 of them, a 2nd and a 3rd. As for cash games they were just brutal. Got my ass handed to me playing short-handed Limit on Ultimate Bet. Played with a mix of sharks and complete donks. The donks are the ones that did me in! This hand illustrates my point perfectly. A complete donk, they don’t get much worse than this, limps under the gun. I have pocket threes, so I raise to isolate the donk and play a pot with him in position. Everyone folds and we see a flop heads up. It comes J-5-3 rainbow with one diamond. He checks and I bet, donk insta-calls. Turn brings the King of diamonds. He checks and I bet, donk calls again. River is I think the 2 of diamonds. He checks and I bet he quickly check-raises me. I look over the board and can’t see how I am beat here. I just call fearing the backdoor diamond draw. Of course he has the 9-7 of diamonds, wtf!! He had no piece and no draw on the flop. (Against a normal player I 3 bet this river.) I flop my first set and lose a large pot. How can I beat this kind of BS. The shit that was happening didn’t even feel like real poker. Starting to believe the conspiracy theorists that Online Poker is rigged! Of course I don’t believe this but it was a frustrating night. Lost 55BBs in 2 hours of play! I have been playing Online long enough to expect bad nights like this but it still sucks. I’ll be at it again tonight. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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