Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Bad Night of Online Play

I had another bad night of playing online yesterday. Did fine playing in Sit-N-Gos, had a small profit. Short-handed Limit HE was not good for me at all. I played bad and ran bad. Kept bringing it in for a raise in way too many hands. At the table I was at should have just played tight, could have won a lot of money. Instead I decide to raise with hands like K-7 off and A-9 off. Then miss the flop and bet all the way to the river. Only to get called down by hands like 5-8 off who flopped a 5 and calls me down with bottom pair! Than one hand I raised with A-K and flop comes K-Q-Q, we cap on the flop. I bet to the river only to get raised when a Jack comes. I make a crying call and am showed A-10 off? So he withstands a cap on the flop with a gut shot with one over, which wasn’t good anyway. Should have just sat back and waited, instead I played with donks like a donk. The disease, of bad play, spread from the rest of the table to me. This leak cost me 35BBs over the 2 hours I played. Need to learn to have patience, when playing with a table of lagtards. Back to a subject that makes me happy. Just 8 more days until we go to Vegas, baby! I am dying to play in my first event, next Friday, the $1500 RAZZ at the WSOP. Wife and I both need this vacation big time. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Hey Tony,

    I've been reading your blog for about a month now... just curious what limits do you play, both live and sit n go?

    Jonathan Powell

  2. Jon,

    Online $1-2, $2-4, and $3-6. Live I play $10-20. SNGs: $6.50 - $55. Thanks for reading. Tony

  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Very cool! Thanks for the response and good luck at the WSOP, I hope you take it down!!!


  4. Thanks and GL in all your Poker playing. Tony
