Saturday, June 28, 2008

Home Game

I finally got the monkey off my back. I won a Sit-N-Go at my cousin Neil's home game! Actually we chopped it evenly, also got 3 bounties so it was a nice profit. I got heads up with Carlo, had a slight chip lead. Would have played it out but have been sick the whole week so wanted to go home early. I played well but also got some monster starting hands. In 2 hours got Aces, Kings 4 times, and Queens once. Didn't suffer a single bad beat that usually happens to me in home games. My focus has been strong since getting back from Vegas. Even Online something seams to have clicked in my brain. Making a run in the Battle of the Planets Promo. this week on River Stars. If I finish out strong today will be in the money in my division. Will do my much promished WSOP posts sometime this weekend. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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