Wednesday, July 09, 2008

All Good Things Must Come to an End

The streak is over! Of course as soon as I write about running goot the bad beat switch gets pulled on me. Not on Full Tilt being I crushed the limit games again last night. I got my ass handed to me playing a full ring game on BoDog. I flopped a set twice only to lose to monster suck out hands. Once of them was with pocket tens on a flop of K-10-4 rainbow. We capped the flop heads up. An Ace feel on the turn and we capped it once again. On the river a another scary Ace fell but I bet out like a man. He insta-raised me and I knew the bad news right away. His A-K caught perfect perfect to crack my set of tens. The other set I lost with was pocket fours that I limped in with from late position. Flop came with 4-x-x with 2 hearts. I didn't slow play, raised the initial bettor right away. Didn't matter the donkey behind me called 2 bets cold with 6-7 of hearts, than called 2 more bets when it got back to him. The third heart came on the turn and I couldn't re-suck out so lost another huge pot there. Overall I am happy with my play, started the night out playing a little too lose. Later on I tightened up and made a huge comeback. I was down 40BBs at one time but ended only down 7, a moral victory. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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