Friday, August 15, 2008

Cousin Neil's Homegame

FPS – Fancy Play Syndrome, Mike Caro’s term. I suffered from the worst case of it last night at my Cousin Neil’s home game. I just played so bad that it was indefensible. I made all the wrong moves at all the wrong times against all the wrong players. Something must have been in the air because I just played on broken auto pilot all night long. Granted I hardly got any big pairs all night, nines once and queens once . Mis-played both of them horribly. For some reason every time I got A-J, K-Q, or A-Q I thought they were Aces? Online I muck all three of these hands from early position without even thinking about it. Meanwhile in a 12 handed game I am bringing it in for 4x with A-J from second position! It is so true what people say, don’t play poker if your head isn’t into it. Also I have been running so well Online all week that it clouded my judgment for this game. Every situation is different and every game is totally different. The moves I was making online all week didn’t work in this game. Re-raising with air against my Cousin Ant., bad idea! Re-raising pre-flop with pocket nines against my cousin Neil, very bad idea. Trying to bluff my cousin Nick, extremely bad idea. Laying down pocket Tens on a board of 5-J-5-J-2 against Jay, super bad move! Anyway big Shout out to my brother John for defeating Carlo Heads up, great job! TGIF. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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