Friday, August 29, 2008

Neil's Game

Played at Cousin Neil’s last night but my results were bad once again. In the first Sit-N-Go I played a perfect patient ABC game. I was able to avoid FPS(Fancy Play Syndrome) and chip up nicely. When we got down to 4 players, with 2 places paid I was nice and comfortable with the 2nd big stack. Then I pushed pocket Queens into pocket Aces for half my chips. Nothing I could do 4 handed. Two hands later in the small blind I push Q-K suited into A-Q and I get knocked out in 4th. This SNG was just bad luck, didn’t play badly. Problem is this put me on semi-tilt and the FPS crept back in the 2nd Sit-n-go. Early in the 2nd one I made a move with the Hammer(2-7off) against my Cousin Neil’s big blind. Flop came down giving me a gut shot so I C-bet a small amount. My cousin called my min-bet. First mistake was attacking his big blind, he’s a defender. Second mistake was the small wimpy C-bet. A nine fell on the turn and he led out for the pot so I had to fold. He defended with 9-5 off which flopped a pair and turned two pair. I lost 40% of my chips in round one, this is just so bad! Now I was playing behind the eight ball big time. I hung around for a few rounds, not getting any cards. Finally, with a short stack of 9BBs, I get dealt pocket fours. From the button I open for 2.5x the Big Blind, planning to do a stop and go if I like the flop. Instead my Cousin Ant. shoves on me from the BB.(I probably should have just shoved pre-flop myself, but hindsight is 20/20.) I could have folded but was getting 2-1 with what I thought was the best hand so I called. I had the best hand being the donkey shoved with A-2 off. (If you are reading this Ant., it was a donkey play LOL.) Well as usual I can’t win as a 2.5 to 1 favorite pre-flop in home games ever! He flops an Ace and turns one to add insult to injury. It’s my own fault for getting short by making stupid fancy plays in level one! Of well you live and learn. Everyone have a good weekend. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – If you are ever in Clifton NJ try out my Cousin Neil’s Pizzeria on Harding Ave, right off Main Ave. It’s named Sal’s Pizza and they make the best Chicken Parm. around! As always please continue to click through on my Google banner above this post.

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