Friday, August 01, 2008

Neil's Home Game

My head hurts from last night’s game at Cousin Neil’s house. No I don’t have a hangover, only had 2 beers. Neil has a low hanging light fixture that I was sitting under. I am six foot tall and forgot all about it. I stood up quickly and hit the point in the center of my head. It hurt really bad, actually broke my skin and bleed! Put an ice pack on it and continued to cash in the Sit-N-Go, like a trooper LOL. As usual the game was a lot of fun to play in. Especially last night being I was able to avoid the minefields. We chopped the first Sit-n-go 3 ways, got 2 bounties also. Then I took third in the 2nd one with a bounty. Really didn’t get many good hands all night. Had Aces once and Kings once, no other pairs over eights. Think I tightened up too much in the 2nd one, will have to work on that. Made a huge lay down with A-K and another with pocket sixes. Not going to race for all my chips on the bubble when there is a short stack left. Look forward to playing at Neil’s again soon, next time will keep an eye on the Chandelier! By the way if you are ever in Clifton, NJ go try out my Cousin’s Pizza, it’s awesome. Sal’s Pizza on Harding Ave, right off Main Ave Clifton, about 5 blocks from Route 46. His Chicken Parm. is the best! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Big shout out to Cousin Ant! Stick to the system, avoid the MTT leak! Also Carlo stick to the diet, as hard as it seems it’s worth it! GL to all my cousin’s playing on Full Tilt now!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Its neils pizza not sals pizza we changed the name in 1991 after we sold the place and took it back. The next poker game at the home I'll make sure you sit oppesite from the
