Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Playing Against an Online Tilt-Monkey

Last night nothing much important happened. I did a short session where I was quickly down 20BBs and made a nice recovery to end the night up 4BBs. Funny thing is I tilted a guy so bad at a table that was playing way too tight. Around 75% of the time if I raised pre-flop I would steal the blinds. This was a very profitable place for me to play at. So I raised from late position with the all mighty Q-9 off. The Big Blind(Future steamer) three bet me. We saw a flop of 10-9-4 and I decided to let him take control of the hand. He bet out and I called. Turn was a blank and he bet out and I called again. River was gin for me another 9, he bet out and I raised. He went into the tank and it felt like he was going to fold. So I stick the needle in and type in the chat, ”Do you have Kings?”. He insta-calls me and I win a nice pot. He types in the chat, ”Stupid donkey I called to see what garbage you raised with.” I ask him, “Were you ever ahead in the hand?”. I looked up the hand history, he had the Ace-Jackass off suit. So I told him, “Oh yea you were ahead pre-flop.” For some reason this set him off big time. For the next half hour every time I was in a pot he was raising it up. This is how I got my money back, just tightened up and let him do the betting for me. I love online tilt-monkeys! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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