Friday, August 22, 2008


It seems yesterday’s main topic of discussion Online was ESPN’s televised WSOP 50K HORSE event. Actually Scotty Nguyen’s poor behavior in this event was the real main topic on many Blogs yesterday. Also why did Harrah’s let him get away with all that crap? In the 2007 WSOP if you accidently said F**K it was a penalty. Now we see a “Star” player calling other people Mother F***ers and getting away with it. How is this good for Poker? Only thing I can think of is ESPN may have thought it would make for good TV. Maybe what they say is true any publicity, good or bad is a good thing for ratings. They could be right being this telecast has created more buzz then any of the other ones so far this year. Actually more buzz then the dull “November 9”. Personally I think the one who will get hurt the most by this is Scotty Nguyen himself. I can’t see any companies wanting to use him to promote their products now that his behavior has been made public. Enough about this and unto last night’s Online play. Again the same pattern that has been going on for the last week for me. I get crushed in the first 30 minutes of play and then have to dig in and play lock down ABC poker to pull myself out. Last night I made a huge comeback and ended up around 5BBs for the night. Think I need to play well from the very start of my sessions in order to have some really good winning nights. Only played one HORSE Sit-n-Go and I broke my good streak by bubbling in this one. Started with split Kings in Stud and didn’t believe the other big stack had the pocket Aces he was betting. He bet every street including the river to cripple me, when I was 2nd in chips. He played the hand well, I wouldn’t have bet the River in case my opponent made two pair. It sucks being I stuck around and the short stack got knocked out 2 hands after I did. Oh well it won’t be the first or last time I bubble. Think tonight I will get my feet wet and play some MTTs again. Haven’t played any for a week so it’s time to buy a lottery ticket and try again. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I agree, it can only hurt Scotty. His behavior was awful. He even started out criticizing DeMichele's behavior and went on to lead by example of exactly what not to do. I used to be a big fan of Scotty's but after that I don't know. As someone who often gets overly excited when I win a big pot at home games with friends, I now fully realize why this needs to be toned down.

    Great post Tony!

    Jonathan Powell

  2. Thanks for reading my BLOG. I agree with you totally. Tony
