Monday, September 08, 2008

Borgata Ladies Event

My wife couldn’t traverse through the mine field of Donkettes in the Borgata Ladies Event yesterday. She told me about numerous odd plays, that only women make in these tournaments.(Not a sexist observation it’s just that they think different than men.) Her bust out hand illustrates the crazy weird play. About 5 hours into the tournament they were down to 110 players. My wife had a comfortable stack with an M of 20. She open raised for 3x with A-K. Three players saw a flop of A-K-3 rainbow. The Donkette led out and a player in between flat called. My wife shoves her whole stack in over the top of both of them. Her stack was about 85% of the Donkettes. She goes into the tank for five minutes and finally makes the call for most of her chips. The other player quickly folds. So the pot is huge if my wife’s hand holds up she will have a ton of chips. What does the caller have for 85% of her chips? She has J-J, what a stupid call that was. What can she beat here, only a pair lower than Jacks. Thing is my wife was playing solid poker, not splashing around at all. Of course Jack on the River and my wife again gets bad beat out of this tournament, just like last year. How can she call off 85% of her chips with an underpair? Only thing is she had just gotten moved to the table so didn’t have a line on my wife’s play. Then again this makes the call even worse being she doesn’t know who she’s up against. Typical Donkey play make a bad call and get rewarded. As for me I played $10-20 Limit and was getting my ass handed to me for hours. Should of known being the first hand I posted I had 6-7 of spades and the flop comes Yatzee all spades. Of course someone else has the A-8 of spades so I am in the hole for 5 BBs right away. I had Jacks 4 times, cracked 3 of them. Queens and Kings both cracked also. Got to the point where I was down 50BBs that’s 1K in real money! I was feeling snakebite and really dejected at this point. Than something happened, my hands starting holding up. I started hitting flops and making great reads. I made a nice comeback to only lose 17BBs for the day. It felt like a moral victory. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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