Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ESPN's Main Event Coverage

We watched ESPN’s coverage of the main event last night. It was much more entertaining than last week’s coverage. At times it was hard to watch. The parts with Chuck Liddell playing was just too sad to watch. He seems like such a nice guy but don’t think he really knows how to play poker. Every time he was in a hand I started to cringe waiting for his bad play to bust him out. Then ESPN did the feature piece about the young man crippled in a car accident. Chris Moneymaker has befriended him and bought him into the Main Event. He played strangely also. I cringed waiting for his bust out hand also. Then again they show a guy playing with his feet, being he lost his arms, in an accident I believe. Watching these people play is like watching those commercials for starving children in Africa. I am watching the Main Event for entertainment not to get all mushy and sad. Overall the show was entertaining anyway. We taped it and will watch it again. We were both very familiar with the Archie Karas story and ESPN did a good job explaining it to the viewers. Personally I think the guy is one of the biggest idiots I have ever seen. He makes 40 million gambling and then pisses it all away. Supposedly his friends told him to take 5-10 million of it and invest it. He could have lived comfortably off of this money. Instead he continues to gamble and the inevitable happens, he goes bust. IMHO he is more of a loser then the average gambler who never had money and is chasing the dream of hitting it big. This is one thing I will never do. Once I make my big tournament score I will use it to pay off my mortgage and then invest it to live comfortably off of it. What is the sense of winning a lot of money if you are just going to give it back? The thought of it is just so irrational it makes me sick. On Thursday I am playing in my Cousin Neil’s home game. Must avoid the FPS(Fancy Play Syndrome), think I will say it 100 times today and tomorrow to make it sink in to my thick skull. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony.
P.S. – As always please continue to click through on my Google Ad, above this post.


  1. Archie Karas...

    Simply put, he never makes it to $40mm if he doesn't have the risk all mindset. A person willing to put 25% away for living comfortably is someone who does that when the roll gets to $1mm (or less). We wouldn't even be talking about him right now if that was his mindset. It takes a true gambler to do what he did.

    I agree with you about him though. It is sickening to think what he lost, but it is his story and it makes for a fascinating one. If he doesn't make that $40mm, noone would know his name.

    Good stuff...

  2. Trip,

    Thanks for reading my BLOG. I read yours all the time. Tony
