Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Feeling Snakebite

Yesterday I was so Snakebite playing in MTTs on River Stars and Full Tilt. In the morning it was just sick I got deep in 5 MTTs and got coolered/bad beat in them all. The worst was on River Stars I was playing in the $22 Deep Stack tournament and had 9K in chips, 90BBs. No reason to go broke in this spot. I get dealt Aces and get called by a total lagtard in the big blind. The flop comes down Q-2-3 rainbow and he checks to me. I c-bet for 50% of the pot, which had been my standard the whole tournament. He insta-shoves on me and I know he has a Queen. I was hoping it was A-Q so I would have his outs covered. Nope he risks 80% of his stack with one pair and a King kicker. You know how this story ends but I will tell anyway. Blank on the turn and a Queen on the river! F**k you River Stars. I almost feel like I should fold there being I have 80BBs behind. Just knew I was ahead. When I saw his cards I knew I was getting knocked out. Maybe that book, The Secret, is true? I may have willed that Queen by thinking about it, hmm I don’t know. So I played Sit-n-Gos for a few hours. I bubbled in a few but then broke through and took a 2nd and a first, so I turned a profit. Went back to MTTs and finally got a score. I played the Stars $8.80 rebuy tournament and build up a stack early when I tripled through with pocket Aces. Never had to rebuy and did an Add on so I was in for $16.80. I went card dead for hours but managed to steal here and there. Getting very short and close to the money I shoved with A-10 and got called by K-Q. By some miracle Ace high won and I got a much needed double up. I was still short but managed to somehow hold on long enough to break through and cash 2 places into the money! I think the cash was like $46.91, three buy ins is nothing to complain about. Over all It was still a losing day for MTTs for me. Played a little limit cash games and won a few BB. So as snake bite as I was managed to not damage the roll too badly yesterday. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony
P.S. – Please keep up the good work of clicking through on my Google Banner above this post, need to keep the lights on.

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