Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Owning Sit-N-Gos

Something has seemed to click in my brain with regards to Sit-n-gos. Suddenly I have started playing a more Laggy style and it’s working. Maybe starting to read Arnold Synder’s tournament book, that Hoyozo recommended, has started to sink in. Last night was just incredible! I played in 5 Sit-n-gos with 1 first, 1 second, 2 thirds, and a sick bad beat to finish in 4th for the last one. Not only were the results great but I was chip leader when 5 handed in all of them! For me this is unreal being I usually play like a Harringbot, very tight aggressive. This style allows me to get deep but never acquire enough chips to be the leader. I was zigging while they were zagging. Was changing gears at the right time and making the right lay downs. Am on my way to acquiring the 15% ROI I so desire. Decided to reward myself by removing some of my roll from Full Tilt. Still have a safe amount but it’s good to actually feel the money sometimes. Also grinded out some Full Ring Limit HE on Stars last night. Did ok making 4BBs in less than an hour. Don’t forget tonight on ESPN will be two more episodes of the WSOP Main event coverage. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – As always please click through on my Google Banner, above this post.

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