Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Bad Omen

I had a terrible week of work. Also I was sick most of the week. I just knew I would have bad luck last night and of course I was right. The first tournament I played in was an indication of how the night would go. Early in the the third level I flat call a late position raise from the Big Blind with pocket Queens. Flop comes A-Q-4 with two spades. It goes four bets on the flop, with the last one me going all in. Of course I got hit with the ultimate cooler, a set of Aces over my set of Queens. This from a guy who was open raising every hand where he was the first one in. This kind of BS always seams to happen to me when I decide to make a stand. Things continued like this for me in Sit-N-Gos for the next 2 hours. Finally I decide that I had bad Karma for the night and I shut it down. Today is another day and I will start over. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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