Friday, October 10, 2008

Neil's Home Game

Last night I finally broke through the home game jinx. I won our 2nd Sit-N-Go at my Cousin Neil’s house last night. Really didn’t get many good cards all night. I just picked my spots well and stayed out of trouble. Got one big pair all night, pocket Kings with the king of spades. It was the first hand of our first Sit-N-Go. I lost half my chips when the flop came ten high with 3 spades. My nemesis, cousin Ant M., chased my every bet till the river when and ace fell. The river went check, check and he turns over A-J with the Jack of spades! He chased me down with a Jack high flush, which if it comes he gets felted! Instead he once again has my number, oh well I will beat you one of these nights. Back to good news, the Sit-N-Go I won. My best hand of the night was A-Q, twice I flopped top top with it and won huge pots both times. I felt I played it perfectly, on the bubble. My brother John, loose crazy player, brought it in for a raise 4 handed. I flat called with A-Q off. Flop comes Q-10-4 with one heart. I check and my brother c-bets. I know he is going to shove at one point in this hand.(It’s just the way he plays.) If I re-raise here he may fold and I want the double up. The turn brings the three of hearts. So I check and he insta-shoves. I thought about it for a few seconds and I made the call. It was worse than I thought he had the A-K of hearts. So I had to dodge any Heart, King, or Jack. For a change my hand holds up and my brother is crippled. This was the deciding hand that I carried through to get heads up with my cousin Tony. Heads up, after around 10 hands, I took it down. Felt good to finally be on the winning end of a game at Neil’s house. I my post about some interesting hands between Tony and I tomorrow. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony.

P.S. – Please click through on my Google banner, above this post.

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