Monday, October 06, 2008

Online Poker and Good Movies

I had a good weekend playing Online. Played all day yesterday being we decided not to go to the Borgata after all. My wife worked late on Saturday night and I didn’t sleep well myself. We woke up at 7:30 Sunday morning and it was raining really hard so we decided to not go. I didn’t sleep well being I watched an awesome movie, but it gave me nightmares. On Friday I bought a few movies and one of them was “Blood Diamond”. If you haven’t seen it rent or buy it! To me this is the best movie made since, “Saving Private Ryan”. I also bought “The Departed” but thought that Blood Diamond was far and away better then it. Yet they gave best picture of the year to “The Departed”. Anyway I am going off on a Tangent today. Both movies are great but IMHO “Blood Diamond” is way better. So back to poker which I started playing at 7:30 in the morning and didn’t stop until 6:00pm. I played in three $15 satellites to the $55 Super Sat. on Full Tilt to their Sunday Brawl. I got severely cock-blocked in the first two. I bubbled both of them is ridiculous fashion. In the first one a guy was open shoving every other hand behind and yet sucking out. I had a decent stack when 3 people limp as does the shove monkey and I wake up with Jacks. So I shove all in and everyone gets out of the way but the shove monkey insta-calls, like he has Aces. Instead he has black pocket fours and the flop comes A-K-3 all hearts. I have the Jack of hearts and the turn brings a black 8. So guess what he is down to one out, the four of diamonds. You know how this story ends, four of diamonds on the river and IGH on the bubble. Same BS happens to me in the second Satellite. I shove A-K off into A-3 off who rivers a three and I once again go home on the bubble. The third one was a charm being I am able to win my seat into the super. By 11:30 I am too tired to play in it so I unregister and now I have $55 more in my tournament dollars account on Full. After my lunch break I decide to play in the 12:00 Deep Stack tournament on River stars. I go deep in this one for a cash of 2 buy ins, which takes almost 6 hours of work. I will write about this tournament tomorrow. Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

P.S. – Please click though on my Google Banner, above this post.

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