Sunday, October 26, 2008

Was I Cheated?

Just got totally screwed playing on Poker Stars. Really felt like something underhanded took place. Please comment on your opinion of what happened to me. Woke up this morning all excited to play my Step 3 ticket on River Stars. I feel like playing the Sunday warmup, since Stars has changed their policy a Step 4 ticket can now be used in any $215 tournament. Great move by them, why restrict our use of our step tickets? Anyway I get into my tournament and played very well to have a medium stack once down to 6 players. (Players finishing in 4th and 5th win a repeat step 3 worth $82.) With the blinds at 150-300, 25 Ante the chip leader makes it 900 to go. The short stack insta-shoves for 975, a 75 raise. It folds all the way around to the big stack who pauses for 5 seconds and then folds!!!! WTF how can you fold for 75 more into a pot of 2000 chips?? What an idiot or was he chip dumping to his friend. I notice but players are from Germany. Is it possible they are playing together? We berate him in the chatbox and he stats it was a mis-click. M****r F****r, mis click this. I got knocked out a few hands later on the bubble. So instead of a bad beat I get this BS! This is not a good sign for the rest of the day. What do you think? Should I even bother emailing Stars for an investigation? Am I just crying over spilt milk? Thanks for listening to my ranting and good luck at the tables, you will need it! Tony

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