Friday, November 21, 2008

Cousin Neil's Homegame

Played in another fun game at my Cousin Neil’s house last night. The first Sit-N-Go was more of the same for me. I played bad and got unlucky, the usual, so I bubbled. The second Sit-N-Go was nice I chopped first even and got three bounties. Shout out to my cousin Ton. who chopped with me. He played well but was a super luck box against me when heads up. Case in point, he shoves on me with 8-4 sooted and I snap call with J-10 sooted. I flop a Ten and he flops an eight but turns a four to take the chip lead. A few hands later, after I had re-gained the led we get it all in pre-flop, me with pocket Jacks him with A-10. The luck box rivers an Ace and takes the lead once again. I battle back until we are even in chips. Being it was getting late he agrees to an even chop to end it. I really felt I could have taken him down heads up, being I always got my money in ahead of him pre-flop. Problem was I was tired and had an early meeting Friday morning. Next time you are going down luck box, LOL! Thanks for reading and good luck at the tables. Tony

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